Faith Foundations is an introductory course for those exploring the Christian faith.  We want you to feel free to ask the questions that you have about the Bible, Jesus, and the Church.  Far too many times, people have been given unsettling truths about what it means to follow Jesus.  We want to help provide an environment where you feel safe to bring your thoughts and point of view to discuss.

Are you struggling with… 

  • Going to church or having negative experiences with church?
  • Finding others to have significant and meaningful conversations with about life?
  • Understanding the basic tenets of Christian faith?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we would love to invite you to our next Faith Foundations course. Simply click the link below to register.

Overview of the Course

Faith Foundations is a 4-week course that includes a daily 10-15 minute study for course members.  Then, each week following the personal study time, the course instructor will walk through material and cover questions that arise from the material.  Here are the topics covered each week.

  • Week 1 | Introduction
  • Week 2 | The Bible, Who is God?, The Beginning, What is Sin? The Promised Sacrifice
  • Week 3 | Jesus Christ, Is There Only One Way to Be Saved?, A New Identity, The Holy Spirit
  • Week 4 | How to Study the Bible, Prayer, Sharing Your Faith, The Church

We pray that you would think through joining us.  This course is offered quarterly.