Why Read the Bible?
The Bible is God’s Word to us. It is the record of the Story of God that shows us the truth about life and ultimate reality. It reveals God to us, it shows us the way to be saved, brings us into a greater and deeper friendship with God, and is primary means of helping us experience spiritual transformation. We cannot grow in our relationship with God apart from it. It makes us wise, strengthens us, nourishes our spirit, and trains us for the work God has for us to do. It is precious (many have given their lives for it) and it is powerful.

About the plan
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The best way to understand and remember the Scripture is to read it repetitively. The CFEB plan takes you through the New Testament three times every year in such a way that you are immersed in one New Testament Gospel or Letter for several days, absorbing its message and internalizing it in ways a flyover, one-time reading would not permit.
The Church calendar reflects the storyline of the Gospel. Beginning in Advent, the flow of the Church Year tells the story of Jesus:
- Advent- the longing for Christ
- Christmastide- the arrival of Christ
- Epiphany- the glory of Christ
- Lent- the holiness of Christ
- Eastertide- the indestructible life of Christ
- Pentecost- the Spirit of Christ
- Ordinary Time- the mission Christ (fulfilled by the People of God)
The season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany take us through the experience of longing for Jesus, His arrival, and the revelation of His glory to us. Lent and Easter help us experience the reality of our own sin, our need for a suffering Savior who dies and rise from the dead to secure our salvation. The Day of Pentecost and the season of Ordinary Time help us embrace our role under the Risen and Reigning Christ through the power of His Spirit in us, sending us with the Gospel to our homes, our neighborhoods, and our world as we await His return. The CFEB readings seek to align with these high points during the Church Year, even reflecting the colors of the Church calendar. Therefore, the books of the Bible are not read in order, but in light of their theological focus and alignment with the rhythm of the Church year.
Each day a reading from Psalms or Proverbs is included in the reading. In this way, you will complete the Psalms in a year. These Psalms serve as great aides for prayer in the evening or morning.
Because the reading plan focuses on the New Testament, the Old Testament is read in its entirety over a two year span. If one completes the two year cycle, in two years they will read the New Testament six times, the Old Testament once, the Psalms twice, and the Proverbs four times.
We know that it is easy to get behind in any reading plan. We have scheduled every week to include a day to catch up and reflect on what you have been reading. For those who are in step with the reading, they can use this day to reread or study a particular section that spoke to them throughout the week.